Causes and consequences of hypertension (hypertension)

Based on high blood pressure, the doctor diagnoses hypertension

Everyone has heard of heart attacks and strokes - we fear it and try to avoid it with all our might. And yet, these are the most common causes of death in hypertension and hypertension.

Arterial hypertension or hypertension is the most common and universally recognized diagnosis. Despite the fact that, according to statistics, every third person suffers from this disease, much remains unclear, including the causes and treatment. How to prevent all these troubles? How to maintain health and quality of life? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

Hypertension (hypertension) - what is it?

Hypertension is characterized by high blood pressure

According to the currently accepted classification, arterial hypertension is an increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mm. capeArt. Today there are two forms of hypertension:

  • primary (or essential, i. e. the cause is unknown) - characterized by an increase in blood pressure for no apparent reason;
  • secondary (symptomatic) - the cause of increased blood pressure is related to any internal organs (liver, kidneys, lungs, brain, endocrine glands).

As the name suggests, the cause of essential hypertension, despite all the achievements of modern medicine, is not clear, so the only traditional method of treatment is still the elimination of high blood pressure with pills. And since pills only alleviate the consequences without removing the cause, the relevance of hypertension is acutely felt in the modern world. However, a group of medical researchers has developed a new concept of the development of hypertension, which explains the mechanism of the disease at the cellular level and is confirmed by numerous studies. We will discuss this innovative approach.

First of all, any disease is a disorder in the functioning of the body. And since our large and well-coordinated body is made up of cells, all the functions of the body are ensured by those, small cells.

Microlife invisible to the eye is always present in the body - some cells die, others are formed. The body's job is to maintain a balance between functioning and dead cells. The immune system is involved in this task - special macrophage cells act as cleaners - their task is to find and remove such bio-debris in time. When the body's immune system cannot deal with a critical mass of dead cells, or when the cell, for various reasons, stops performing its tasks normally, the balance is disturbed and disease occurs.

When does uncontrolled cell death occur and when the cell does not perform its functions? The answer is simple: when the cell itself lacks resources. By resources we mean everything that needs to be obtained from the outside in order for the cell to perform its function. Each cell, in order to maintain its functioning and "clean" waste products, constantly interacts with the intercellular fluid, which in turn restores and restores its composition through contact with blood. The blood receives resources, including from the external environment: the lungs produce oxygen, the digestive system - nutrients in the form of water, fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Microvibration is a vital resource of the body!

In order for this complex system to function and for the body to have time to get rid of damaged cells, replacing them with new ones, a resource is needed that would put it all into action, into motion. Such a resource is microvibration that occurs in the body as a result of the work of muscle cells (myofibrils). Microvibration is always present in the body, including during sleep. Even with maximum relaxation, many muscle cells continue to work and create microvibrations of the intercellular fluid around them.

It is known that about 60% of body cells are muscle cells and they consume more than 80% of all energy produced in the body. And almost half of this energy expenditure is necessary to maintain the level of microvibration at rest or background microvibration. Such colossal energy costs do not arise without reason, they are necessary for human life. Lack of microvibration in the body means death, and its lack means disease.

Likewise, with hypertension, if the body lacks microvibration for a long time, the cells begin to perform their function much worse, which leads to the fact that the tissues begin to "fill up", and the functional cells work. burn and die. This worsens the functioning of the vital organs- kidneys, there are problems in the spine, which causes the deterioration of blood supply to the brain and spinal cord. And problems with these organs are the most common causes of hypertension and, in general, a decrease in the tone of the whole organism.

Hypertension and hypertension - what are the differences?

In the medical world there are so many terms and labels that it is sometimes very difficult for an ordinary person to understand and understand what is happening with his body, what do all these abbreviations and diagnoses mean? First of all, let's define what is the difference between hypertension and hypertension, what is the difference?

Hypertension is a condition of high blood pressure. And hypertension is already a disease that affects the whole body and one of the symptoms of which is hypertension. The degree of organ change that causes elevated blood pressure is the stage of the disease.

In the modern, accepted medical classification, there are 3 degrees of arterial hypertension:

Type of blood pressure and degree of hypertension

Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.

Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.


Less than 130

Less than 85




I degree of hypertension (mild)



II degree of hypertension (moderate)



III degree of hypertension (severe)

Greater than or equal to 180

Greater than or equal to 110

Complications and consequences of hypertension

In order to understand exactly how constantly elevated blood pressure leads to terrible complications, what kind of disease hypertension is and why it is dangerous, let's consider the mechanism of development (pathogenesis) of hypertension.

Long-term elevated blood pressure (hypertension) often leads to irreversible consequences, especially in the vascular bed:

  • thickening of blood vessel walls, reducing their elasticity;
  • permanent narrowing of the lumen of small arteries of blood vessels;
  • thickening of the heart muscle (myocardium);
  • increased damage to the walls of blood vessels due to the high speed of blood flow, formation of atherosclerotic plaques in places of damage.

Since the vascular system is, in fact, the supplier and carrier of external resources, let's see what happens to it with prolonged high blood pressure. Normally, the wall of blood vessels is elastic, which allows the body to quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions. But in a situation of constant high pressure and lack of microvibrations, the vascular wall thickens and loses elasticity. This happens mainly because the body, for several reasons (physical inactivity, poor nutrition, excess weight, etc. ), experiences a lack of microvibrations, the immune system does not have time to "recycle" dead cells, and living cells cannot fully perform their task. . The body is forced to urgently get rid of non-functional and dead cells. One way to get rid of them is to transform them into a stable structure - connective tissue or fibrosis. In turn, fibrosis in the walls of blood vessels significantly reduces their elasticity and strength, which can lead tovessel injury and bleeding from it This situation is particularly dangerous in the brain, as it can lead to a stroke.

In addition, most organs do not need high pressure at all, and a defense mechanism is also activated - spasm (narrowing) of small arteries to reduce blood flow through them. This simply consumes a colossal amount of resources of the entire body, which cannot last long. Therefore, in order to save resources, the walls of blood vessels thicken again and muscle cells are replaced by connective cells, and then the reverse increase in the lumen of blood vessels is impossible.

Stages of development of atherosclerotic plaque in a vessel with hypertension

This inflexibility of the vascular wall leads to the creation of microtrauma of the wall and deposition of cholesterol on it. This results in a narrowing of the vessel in a certain area. This means that the organs and tissues do not receive their share of nutrients, which means that they will not be able to fully perform their function. The heart, on the other hand, is forced to work with increased force in order to pump blood through such inelastic (narrowed) vessels, which means that it has no other choice but to increase the mass of heart cells - myocytes. This condition is called myocardial hypertrophy. And it seems that everything is fine, but the coronary vessels, which are intended to feed the heart, do not become larger and there is a so-called lack of blood supply to the myocardium - ischemia. And if an atherosclerotic plaque grows on the changed wall of the coronary artery, then there is a high risk of a complete cessation of blood supply to the myocardium in this area - the death of part of the myocardium occurs - a heart attack.

Stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis are the most common complications of hypertension and causes of immediate death.

A person with hypertension can become disabled

Is it possible to get disability if you have hypertension?

Disability is the inability to perform usual household activities and provide care for oneself. With the progression of hypertension, when all the body's resources are exhausted, the development of heart failure begins. It is obvious from the name that in this state the heart simply cannot perform its main function - supplying organs and tissues with oxygen. When heart failure becomes critical, a person experiences a significant loss in quality of life, and even putting the kettle on in the kitchen becomes a heroic feat. Of course, under such conditions, a person is given disability due to hypertension.

Conditions and causes of hypertension

What are the primary causes of hypertension? What triggers this whole cascade of reactions and what causes disease?

Our body, as we have already mentioned, is an internal universe consisting of billions of cells working as a single unit. The incredible processes of self-regulation of this universe enable man to live and survive in environmental conditions. Everything that happens in the organism is not accidental and is conditioned by something, it is necessary for something.

To understand what can cause hypertension in a person, we need to look again at the cells. For every cellular process, it is necessary that cellular components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) can meet in space. The well-known microvibration of the surrounding interior space plays a big role in this. With the lack of microvibration, first of all, there is a disruption of cellular function, and this along the chain leads to a disruption of the nutrition of the spinal cord, kidneys, brain and, as a final consequence, the development of hypertension. At the same time, it is important to understand that if the body increases blood pressure, then it is necessary for some reason. It would be more correct to say – vitally important! However, the causes of hypertension in men and women are mostly similar.

Insufficient kidney function

Insufficient kidney function is the main cause of hypertension

The kidneys are the only human organ that physiologically requires high blood pressure, because the blood must pass under pressure through special membranes in order to be purified. At pressure below 80 mm Hg. Art. the kidneys stop filtering (purifying) the blood, and this is fatal.

Therefore, under no circumstances can the body allow the kidneys to reduce or stop filtering. If for some reason the kidneys cannot cope with the filtering (purification) of the blood, then the brain receives an order to increase the blood pressure in order to increase the productivity of the kidneys. This is one of the most common causes of hypertension.

In this case, the kidneys themselves may be fine, but the total "contamination" of the blood may exceed the ability of the kidneys to clean it at normal pressure. Therefore, the body needs to increase the work of the kidneys by increasing the blood pressure.

In this case, it is enough to improve kidney function and the pressure will normalize. And the work of the kidneys can be improved by more intensively supplying the cells with nutrition and cleaning them of waste products. To do this, it is enough just to increase the level of microvibration (microcirculation) in the kidney area. In addition, the kidneys are one of the few organs that do not have their own muscle fibers, so they receive microvibration from the working neighboring muscles of the abdomen and back. From this point of view, it becomes crystal clear how physical inactivity, incorrect posture and an increase in the proportion of adipose tissue lead to deterioration of kidney function and, as a consequence, to hypertension. Accordingly, in order to improve the functioning of the kidneys and break this whole chain, we again come to the conclusion that it is enough to normalize the level of microvibration of the kidneys.

Currently, there is only one device in the world that can specifically increase the level of microvibration in any human organ. It is about a unique development - medical devices for vibroacoustic effects and a method - phonation.

The effectiveness of treating hypertension using these devices has been confirmed by many studies.

Impaired blood flow to the brain

Impaired blood flow to the brain is another cause of hypertension

Another cause may be a disturbance in the blood supply to the brain or spinal cord due to narrowing or constriction of the arteries. This can happen as a result of problems in the spine (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia), congenital characteristics of the vascular bed, which can worsen over time due to atherosclerosis.

The body cannot allow interruptions in the blood supply to the brain, so it increases the pressure to push the required volume of blood through the existing narrowed vessels.

Then fixing the problem with the blood supply to the brain or spinal cord can reduce the pressure. For this purpose, vibroacoustic therapy using a device can also be used. With the help of special transducers (vibraphones), the mechanical microvibration of the device is transmitted by contact into the human body up to a depth of 10 cm and leads to increased microcapillary flow of blood and lymph. And this, in turn, leads to improved nutrition of cells and timely removal of their waste products.

Thus, with the help of phonation, it is possible to remove the swelling of the spine due to osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, which will allow you to "release" the constricted arteries and improve the blood supply to the brain.

Eating disorder

Overloading the body with simple carbohydrates, fats, alcohol, nicotine, etc. leads to the fact that a huge amount of resources is spent on their disposal (neutralization and purification), and as a result, the body simply does not have time to restore the cellular balance in the vascular system, there is a lack of resources, which entails the development of hypertension. All these factors lead to the fact that even young organisms experience a lack of resources, and as a result, in the modern world, we are increasingly faced with hypertension in young people.

Hormonal disorders

One of the causes of hypertension is hormonal disorders

It is absolutely known that hormone levels significantly affect blood pressure. The body has a complex interaction between the entire endocrine system, which includes glands located in the brain (pituitary and hypothalamus) and glands present in the rest of the body (thyroid, parathyroid, reproductive). These glands should normally ensure the balance of the body's internal environment, including the constancy of blood pressure. With a lack of microvibration, as we already learned, nutrition and all vital functions at the cellular level suffer, which means that with a lack of microvibration, the entire endocrine system, which is otherwise very sensitive to a lack of nutrients, will work irregularly and intermittently. Hormonal levels are disrupted and blood pressure will "jump". It is enough to normalize the blood supply and improve the microvibration of the endocrine glands so that the hormone level returns to normal.

Psychosomatics can affect the development of hypertension


In our fast-paced age, we should not forget about the so-called psychosomatics and its contribution to hypertension. The fact is that with constant psychological stress, a sea of biologically active substances are released into the blood, which increase vascular tone and pressure. Constant stress and strong negative emotions lead to an increase in muscle tone, which soon exhausts the body's resources, and then all bodily functions decrease, which creates the conditions for the onset of disease. In this case, it is necessary not only to normalize the background of microvibrations, but also to pay close attention to the emotional component.

Age characteristics

Hypertension at a young age, in children and adolescents, stands out. As a rule, the cause in these cases is most often endocrine (hormonal) disorders or spine diseases. At the same time, drugs for "adults" cannot always deal with hypertension in this group of patients without harming the child's organism. Therefore, the task of using methods to reduce the doses of the drugs used is imposed. One such method is phonation. The effectiveness of reducing drug doses or even the ability to do without them has been confirmed by research.

Hypertension in older people also has its own characteristics, because. . . Choosing the dose of drugs due to accompanying diseases can be very difficult, and often the doctor finds himself in a kind of "fork" - when prescribing drugs to lower blood pressure leads to deterioration of the work of other organs. In this case, too, phonation can come to the rescue, which is safe andeffective when used in elderly patients.

Phonics is a modern, effective, non-medicated method of treating and preventing hypertension

Medical device for the treatment and prevention of hypertension

The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by medical research, clinical practice and doctor's examinations. Treatment and prevention of hypertension is carried out using compact medical devices of vibroacoustic influence. The advantage of the method is the ability to perform procedures independently at home, as well as the absence of side effects and a small number of contraindications.